Author: m-grothe

CfP EGOS 2022 “Doing Sociology in Organization Studies”

Call for Papers Doing Sociology in Organization Studies EGOS 2022, Sub-theme 25 Vienna, July 7–9, 2022 Deadline for submission of short papers is Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 23:59:59 CET. Convenors: Michael Grothe-Hammer Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Newsletter July 2021

Dear RC17 members, Here comes our new newsletter. We hope that you are all doing well and will enjoy reading! If you have any suggestions, announcements, publications, or call for papers for the next newsletter, please contact our newsletter editor

PhD position in organizational sociology at NTNU Trondheim

The Department of Sociology and Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim is searching for a PhD candidate in organizational sociology. The PhD-position is a temporary position for a period of three years, connected

ISA Forum of Sociology 2021: RC17 Program

IV ISA Forum of Sociology Virtual Conference, February 23-28, 2021 Conference Program of RC17 “Sociology of Organizations” Here you can find the RC17 program for the ISA Forum 2021. Times are in Brasília Time. To view the presentation abstracts click

Newsletter April 2021

Dear RC17 members, We hope that you are all doing well. Between February 23 and 28, the IV ISA Forum of Sociology took place. RC17 organized 14 sessions on 10 topics featuring fascinating discussions and facilitating inspiring debates. You can

M@n@gement 24(1) – New issue available

Announcement by the co-editors in chief of M@n@gement: M@n@gement 24(1) – New issue Dear colleagues, In this tough period, we are grateful for the opportunity to share with you this first issue of the year 2021, in the entirely free

CfP – Luhmann Conference 2021

Theme “Risks and Pathologies. Observed with Social Systems Theory” Dubrovnik, Croatia, 14-17 September 2021 Convenors: Lars Clausen, UCL University College, Denmark, and Next Society Institute, Lithuania Gorm Harste, Aarhus University, Denmark Klaus Laursen, Aarhus University, Denmark, and Next Society Institute,

Newsletter February 2021

Dear RC17 members, The IV ISA Forum of Sociology is approaching fast. On February 23, the Forum will begin featuring over 800 online sessions with more than 3000 contributions, and we are excited to be part of this. RC17 offers

Newsletter December 2020

Dear RC17 members, With our December newsletter in 2020 we want to send you our best wishes for the upcoming holidays and New Year’s Eve, and a healthy and a successful year 2021 in which we can hopefully return to

Newsletter October 2020

Dear RC17 members and Newsletter subscribers, We hope you are all doing well. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the ISA Forum 2020/2021 is going digital! As a consequence, RC17 has re-opened calls for abstracts and invites your submissions. You will
