Call for Sessions for the 4th ISA Forum of Sociology, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 14-18 July 2020
Programme Coordinators
- Robert van Krieken, University of Sydney/Australia (
- Michael Grothe-Hammer, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg/Germany
Session proposals should be sent to the programme coordinators via e-mail till 01 March 2019.
Call for sessions
The Research Committee on the Sociology of Organizations is calling for proposals for sessions for the 2020 ISA Forum in Porto Alegre. We will be organizing a total of 12 sessions of 90 minutes each, including a timeslot for our business meeting.
Following discussions of future programmes at the 2018 Toronto World Congress, some of the possible additions to the core themes and topics usually covered in RC17 could include
- Sociology of Organizations: Contributions from the Global South
- Societal Grand Challenges and Organizations
- Advances in Innovative Theories of Organization
We encourage proposals for sessions which facilitate the participation of PhD students and early career scholars as well as of scholars from the Global South. Some of the sessions may be jointly organized with other ISA Research Committees. We are also open for proposals for sessions that feature linguistic diversity by including other languages than English.
Submissions, to be sent to both Programme Coordinators, should include the following information:
- Title of the Session
- Format of the session:
- Regular session – up to five presentations
- Featured or Keynote Speaker
- Author meets their Critics
- Panel sessions – a larger number of shorter papers on a specific theme
- Joint session – identifying the other participating RC
- A 250-word description of the session
- Language(s) of session
- Full name, affiliation and contact details of the session organizer(s) and/or session chair(s) (if different)
- A brief statement on previous conference session organization experience (if applicable).
For further information, please check the guidelines for session organizers under
You are also welcome to approach the programme coordinators Robert van Krieken and Michael Grothe-Hammer with early stage ideas and suggestions. Please do also not hesitate to contact the coordinators if you have any questions or need assistance.