RC17 Newsletter – March 2024

Dear RC17 members,

We hope you are all doing well! We are pleased to offer you a newsletter packed with information on job openings, CfPs, and a new publication by RC members. Please see details below.


Two job openings: Assistant Professor and Junior Professor at LEST

The LEST (Laboratoire d’Economie et de Sociologie du Travail) is pleased to recruit two organizational sociologists at Aix Marseille University in September 2024, on sustainability challenges in the anthropocene era.
One is an assistant professor position at the Faculty of Economics and Management (deadline for application: end of March), the other is a Junior Professor Tenure Track (Chaire Professeur Junior) (Deadline expected in the Spring). Both an international profile and a proficient level of French will be expected. Both positions will contribute to the research axis Change Organizations & Transitions (COT)
Assistant professor recruitment procedure: https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/cand_recrutement_enseignants_chercheurs.htm
Junior Professor Track: https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/cand_CPJ.htm
LEST: https://lest.fr/frhttps://lest.fr/fr
Contact person: Heloise Berkowitz (heloise.berkowitz@univ-amu.fr)


CfA Pre-Colloquium Development Workshop 01 – Scandinavian Organization Studies: Contemporary Conundrums and Future Prospects [hybrid]

The EGOS Standing Working Group “Meta-organizations and Meta-organizing” is happy to receive applications for its 2024 Pre-Colloquium Development Workshop (PDW). This workshop intends to create and stimulate discussion and help develop new research themes in the rich tradition of Scandinavian organization studies by allowing exchange among doctoral students, early career scholars, and more experienced scholars.

In this PDW, we are especially interested in exploring how Scandinavian organization studies may relate to contemporary crossroads of people, spaces, and time such as: populism, polarization, climate change, authoritarian developments, corruption, inequalities, social media and artificial intelligence, in their practical unfolding and organizing. We believe Scandinavian organization studies is of relevance to these and other contemporary conundrums, empirical and theoretical alike.

We welcome short papers or research proposals relating to, but also extending work, on topics such as the travel of ideas and institutional translation, meta- and partial organizations and organizing, hypocrisy, the (ir)rationality of action and action rationality, standards, regulation, and transnational governance, carriers, imitation and editing, decisions, and reforms. Papers pushing methodological boundaries in relation to Scandinavian organization studies are also welcome.

Please submit – via the EGOS website – by April 30, 2024 a single document of application (.docx or .pdf file) that includes:
• A letter of application containing full details of name, affiliation, and email;
• A short paper or a research proposal of at max. 3000 words, where the framing and operationalizations of the study are clearly indicated.

For further information see: https://metaorganizations.hypotheses.org/110

CfP RC52 Interim Meeting 2024: Navigating Turbulence. Professions in an Era of Multiple Crises

Over the last decade, numerous global challenges have emerged. From financial crises, unemployment, rising precarity, and retrenchment of public funding through the COVID-19 pandemic and workplace changes, including digitalization, to wars and violence, professionals have had to navigate turbulence. Nonetheless, professionals continue to play a critical role in interpreting change and defining and applying norms and rules, thereby giving meaning to social life. In the context of change, however, professionals experience profound alterations in their careers, roles, and tasks, which require them to reshape their own professional identities. On a global scale, processes of differentiation associated with growing inequalities can be observed across professions.

RC52 invites submissions of paper proposals addressing the issues above in all professional areas, whether theoretical or empirical in nature and based on multiple or single case studies or comparative analyses.

The proposals must be sent in a Word file, be written in the English language, and include:
• Preferable session (see the list and detailed descriptions under the link below);
• Title of the paper;
• An abstract of no more than 200 words;
• Name(s) and contact details (affiliation, country, e-mail) of the author(s).

Please submit your proposal via e-mail (rc52rome2024@gmail.com) no later than 1 April 2024.

All submitters will receive an e-mail notification on the acceptance or rejection of their paper proposals by 19 April 2019.
Online registration will open on 22 April 2019.

Please note that all presenters are required to register and pay the registration fee.
The conference website is now available: https://sites.google.com/view/rc52-rome-2024
The Call for Papers will also be available on the RC52 website and blog:

Local organizer and contact person:
Andrea Bellini
Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Economic and Labor Processes
Department of Social and Economic Sciences (DiSSE)
Sapienza University of Rome
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
00185 Rome, Italy
E-mail: rc52rome2024@gmail.com


The 20th SCANCOR PhD Workshop on Institutional Analysis

This year’s SCANCOR Workshop on Institutional Analysis will be hosted by the University of Hamburg in collaboration with the University of Mannheim. Join the event for a one-week intensive PhD workshop on institutional analysis. In the morning public lectures, leading international as well as local faculty present and discuss recent research broadly within the field of institutional theory. These talks are open to all. The Afternoon workshop sessions with international faculty are limited to PhD students who successfully apply to the workshop.

Time and place: Aug. 26, 2024 9:00 AM – Aug. 30, 2024 5:00 PM, Hamburg, Germany
Application deadline: May 5th

International Faculty of the PhD Workshop
Patricia Bromley, Stanford University
Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University
Gili Drori, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Renate Meyer, WU Vienna
Woody Powell, Stanford University
Sarah Soule, Stanford University

You can find more information at: https://www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/fachbereich-sowi/professuren/oberg/ueber-uns/aktuelles/scancor-call.html


Special Issue on ‘Accountability in the Anthropocene’

At the ISA World congress, RC24 organised a joint session with RC17 (organization), RC40 (agriculture and food) and TG04 (Risk and uncertainty) on the topic Accountability and Sustainable Transitions: Toward an Integrated Analysis of Sociopolitical and Ecological Risks. We are pleased to announce that a Special Issue on ‘Accountability in the Anthropocene‘ resulting from this collaboration has now been published in Environmental Policy and Governance (special editor Nadine Arnold & Steven Wolf). The issue is based on the session topic and includes some of the papers that were presented in the session.

This special issue focuses on accountability in the Anthropocene/Capitalocene, prompted by accelerating environmental degradation caused by unsustainable and inequitable patterns of consumption, along with an interest in analyzing institutional processes of social regulation. Shifting attention to the consequences of accountability processes, the special issue is an explicit effort to go beyond previous scholarship focused on metrics and transparency. While it is tempting to analyze accountability as a resource for socially just sustainability transitions, the special issue emphasizes the varied, indeterminate, and contested nature of accountability. The interdisciplinary and international analysis united in the collection leads us to recognize the significance of reconfiguring and rescaling relations of accountability for both research and policy. New voices, new values, and new knowledge have transformative potential for socioecological systems. Conceptual and empirical research on accountability can contribute to efforts to understand the institutional mechanisms regulating transformation and lack thereof.

You can find the Special Issue here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/17569338/2023/33/6