Newsletter – November 2023

Dear RC17 members,

We are happy to send you our newest newsletter with the announcement of the second issue of our Journal of Organizational Sociology, and several interesting calls for papers. If you have anything for the newsletter, please let us know!

Journal of Organizational Sociology

Second Issue published

We are very happy to announce the publication of the second issue of RC17’s new Journal of Organizational Sociology (JOSO). JOSO is supposed to be a platform for debating the role of organization in, for, and throughout society. JOSO is for anyone doing sociology with a focus on organization(s).

Enjoy reading, follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and consider submitting!

Volume 1 Issue 2

Research Articles

From Nurturing the Successor to Attracting New Founders: How Firm Platforms Organize a Market for Selling Businesses
Isabell K. Stamm

Deciding Together as Faculty: Narratives of Unanticipated Consequences in Gendered and Racialized Departmental Service, Promotion, and Voting
Laurel Smith-Doerr, Ethel L. Mickey, Ember Skye W. Kane-Lee

Reinventing the Division of Labour? How Organisational and Micro-Level Factors Influence Work in Local Public Welfare Organisations
Daniel Castillo


Two Ways of Looking at Theory, Exemplified by The Dynamics of Bureaucracy by Peter M. Blau
Richard Swedberg

Calls for Papers

Social challenges of emerging technologies. Vulnerabilities, proposals and experiences.

V International Conference of the Madrid Association of Sociology
VIII International Conference on Teaching in the Social Sciences

January 11-12, 2024
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Asociación Madrileña de Sociología
CI 15 Sociología de las Organizaciones (FES)
CI 24 Sociología de la Comunicación y del Lenguaje (FES)

Ibero-American Association of Sociology of Organizations and Communication (AISOC) Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University
Facultad de CC Información de la Universidad Complutense
Grupo Complutense 931571 Comunicación Responsable y Públicos Vulnerables

Thematic Area 6 (English):
Embracing Hyper-Technological Times: Exploring Classrooms, Media and Networks in Organizational Sociology.

Coordinated by: Victoria Sanagustín Fons

Thematic Area 7 (English and French):
Gender, Communication and Societies

Coordinated by: Laurence Larochelle, Université Paris III

Abstract of 350 words maximum by November 15, 2023.
To send abstracts:

More information under:

The (Partial) Organization of Meta-Organizations

EGOS 2024, Sub-theme 01 [SWG 01]

Hybrid/Milan, July 4-6, 2024

Deadline for submission of short papers is Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 23:59:59 CET.

Héloïse Berkowitz, CNRS, LEST, Aix Marseille University, France
Nils Brunsson, Uppsala University & Score, Sweden
Michael Grothe-Hammer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Meta-organizations are organizations that have other organizations as their members (Ahrne & Brunsson, 2005). The notion of meta-organization encompasses a diversity of organizations including international governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, multi-stakeholder initiatives, cross-sectoral partnerships, inter-organizational alliances and associations, project network organizations, network administrative organizations, collaborative governance organizations, and many more. For nearly two decades now, meta-organization theory (Ahrne & Brunsson, 2005, 2008) has represented a major break from the mentioned discourses, which usually exhibit one of two tendencies (Berkowitz et al., 2022). We invite papers about the partial or more complete organizing in, of, and by meta-organizations.

The full call can be found here:

Submission guidelines:

Organizations between Continuity and Disruption – The Organization and Management of perpetual change in Times of Digitalization

Research Topic @Frontiers in Sociology

Manuscript Summary Submission Deadline 06 December 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 05 April 2024

Topic Editors:
Thomas Wendt, Trier University, Germany
Inga Truschkat, Freie Universität Berlin
Pia Bramming, Aarhus University, Denmark

This Research Topic explores how continuity and disruption is problematized, analyzed, and theorized in times of digitalization considering the historicity of interdisciplinary organizational research.

More information:—the-organization-and-management-of-perpetual-change-in-times-of-digitalization

Graduates’ work in the knowledge economy

Call for book chapters


Deadline for abstracts: January 15, 2024
Full chapters: July 30, 2024
Envisioned publication time: 2025

For any further queries, please contact Maria-Carmen Pantea at

More information:

Doing Sociology Now

Call for Abstracts
Digital RBU Departmental Conference – 17 November 2023
Department of Sociology, Rayat Bahra University, India

Deadline for submission of abstracts (300 words) is 10th November 2023

The organizers are delighted to issue a call for abstracts responding to this year’s Webinar theme, Doing Sociology Now. We welcome abstracts from colleagues who wish to join us on 17 November to discuss methods (“Doing”), contemporary social theory (“Sociology”), and topics that speak of or to the current conjuncture (“Now”). The conference theme allows us to ask what the pressing issues in Sociology are today, and what methodological and theoretical approaches can help to address them. The webinar will showcase the diverse range of perspectives present in the department’s research culture, and initiate thinking collectively about what doing sociology now means. Papers are welcomed from colleagues in the department at all levels and at all stages of their research.

Abstracts will be considered in terms of the extent to which they address the conference theme and should be around 300 words long.

Please also include:

  • The proposed title for the presentation;
  • 3 – 5 keywords;
  • The main or central topic of your presentation;
  • An outline of the methodology used in your research (where relevant).

Please email your abstract to The deadline for submission is 10th November 2023. Accepted submissions and the constitution of the panels/roundtables will be announced on 13 November 2023. The webinar will be held online on 19 November. Please send any inquiries regarding the conference to We look forward to reading your submissions.