Author: m-grothe

ISA RC17 Newsletter – August 2022

Dear RC17 members, As you might know, on December 8 and 9 the International Conference on Organizational Sociology (ICOS) on “Organizations in a Plural Society” will take place in Trondheim, Norway. RC17 is co-organizing the conference together with the German

Call for Abstracts: ISA World Congress of Sociology 2023

ISA World Congress of Sociology Hybrid / Melbourne, Australia June 25 – July 1, 2023 We are delighted to invite you to submit your abstracts for the ISA World Congress of Sociology 2023. The ISA World Congress of Sociology of

ISA RC17 Newsletter July 2022

Dear RC17 members, Our Calls for Abstracts for the hybrid ISA World Congress of Sociology are out! RC17 has open calls for 13 different themes, which you will find below. At the Congress we will also organize a number of

Newsletter June 2022

Dear RC17 members, In a recent board meeting, RC17 has decided to “activate” its affiliated membership option and set the membership fees for affiliated members to zero. The affiliated membership is for those who are not members of ISA but

Reminder: Call for Abstracts: Organizations in a Plural Society

International Conference on Organizational Sociology (ICOS) Organizations in a Plural Society 8./9. December 2022 Trondheim, Norway Joint conference by “Organization & Society” Research Group at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU Trondheim Research Committee 17 “Sociology

ISA 2023: Call for Session Proposals

RC 17 Sociology of Organizations ***Call for session proposals*** The IV World Congress of Sociology Melbourne, Australia, 25 June- 1 July 2023. Programme Coordinators Robert van Krieken, University of Sydney/Australia ( Michael Grothe-Hammer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),

Newsletter May 2022

Dear RC17 members, The preparations for the ISA World Congress 2023 are now starting. As a first step we are calling for session proposals. So, if you have a nice idea for a session of 110minutes (or more), please send

Call for Abstracts: Organizations in a Plural Society

International Conference on Organizational Sociology (ICOS) Organizations in a Plural Society 8./9. December 2022 Trondheim, Norway Joint conference by “Organization & Society” Research Group at the Department of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU Trondheim Research Committee 17 “Sociology

Newsletter April 2022

Dear RC17 members, RC17 is co-organizing an international conference on “Organizations in a Plural Society” this year! Check out the exciting call for abstracts below and the conference website:! Furthermore, we are now beginning with the preparations for the

Newsletter December 2021

Dear RC17 members, Here comes our new newsletter. We hope that you are all doing well and will enjoy reading! While the ISA Congress has been postponed to 2023, many of our members are organizing sub-themes for the EGOS Colloquium
